mercredi 27 mai 2009


When I was born, in 1969, Jim Harrison hadn´t yet given birth to ¨DALVA¨.  So I can´t say that my mother chose my name after reading the novel ... it was just a coincidence.  The origin of this name is unknown and I never understood where she took it from. I only know it means VALLEY ...

When I read Jim Harrison´s novel I felt so represented by the charachter, that when somebody makes questions about my name, I just say that my mother was reading this book when se got pregnant ... What a big lie, you shameless woman! And when I´m caugh IN FRAGANTI, I just laugh loudly, smile with all my teeth and change the subject of the conversation. 


From her home on the California coast, Dalva hears the broad silence of theNebraska prairie where she was born and longs for the son she gave up for adoption years before. Beautiful, fearless, tormented, at forty-five she has lived a life of lovers and adventures. Now, Dalva begins a journey that will take her back to the bosom of her family, to the half-Sioux lover of her youth, and to a pioneering great-grandfather whose journals recount the bloody annihilation of the Plains Indians. On the way, she discovers a story that stretches from East to West, from the Civil War to Wounded Knee and Vietnam -- and finds the balm to heal her wild and wounded soul.


3 commentaires:

  1. que mentirosita sos Dalva!! igual me gusta que estés en todo!!

  2. Dear Dalva,
    I just came across your blog because I work for Jim Harrison's current publisher. I think he mentions in Dalva or perhaps the sequel Returning to Earth that the character is possibly named for a Spanish song "Estrella Dalva," maybe your mother knows it?

    Anyway, glad you found Jim's work!

  3. thank you Amy! I´m just about to start his new novel! ¨Estrella Dalva", magnifique!!!!
